Ilagan, Andrei Jireh M.

My interests and hobbies

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My Goals


Nice color, I like it! - Gasta

Orangieee, cute - Trinidad

Nice site bro! - Escuro

Keep it up! - Rosario

The color is nice! I like it! - Armedilla

Thoughts about F2F Class

For me, face-to-face classes is a better way for students who cannot afford to buy gadgets or WiFi connection due to financial problems. Also, it is a good way for studens to learn rather than conducting classes online. It shows how te students really undersands the topic and shows the professor how can he/she improve his/her students learning syles better.

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Comment Section

Never give up. keep going! - Rosario

Hi mate :3 - John

Keep on pursuing your dreams - Gasta

You can do it! -Trinidad

Always believe in yourself! - Armedilla

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